How Long Does An Air Source Heat Pump Last?

November 9, 2021

Air source heat pumps can be installed in just a couple of days and can last up to 20 years. They require minimal maintenance, cleaning, and servicing. The type of system you choose, your requirements, and your location can also affect your heat pump lifespan. Here at Finbra, our qualified engineers are highly skilled and experienced in installing air source heat pumps.

A heat pump is a device that can either heat or cool a home by moving heat from one source to another. During the warm weather, it diverts heat from your home to the outdoors. During the colder weather, your heat pump does the opposite and takes heat from outside and puts it into your home. Air source heat pumps are an extremely efficient way to heat or cool a building.

Air Source Heat Pump Life Expectancy

The life expectancy of a heat pump depends on several factors. Air source heat pumps generally last an average of 15 years; however, some can wear out after a decade. The better you maintain your heat pump the longer it will last.

Air Source Heat Pump Maintenance Tips

The factor most important for extending the lifespan of your air source heat pump is maintenance. There are some steps you can take to ensure that your heat pump is well maintained.

  • Check to make sure that its defrosting cycle is working properly. Ice can build up on the outdoor coil causing frost. This can affect your heat pumps ability to provide heat
  • Clean or replace your air filters regularly to avoid blockages
  • Keep the coils clean
  • Clean fins on the outside condenser unit
  • Do not allow plant growth within 18 inches of the outdoor unit.
  • Ensure that there is a plentiful supply of air. You can do this by regularly checking the fans grilles for leaves and other caught up rubbish
  • In very cold weather clear snow from the air source heat pump and check that the grilles aren’t blocked by ice

There are a few different types of heat pumps however, air source heat pumps are the most popular.

Air Source Heat Pump Advantages

  • Easy to Install
  • Highly efficient source of heat and hot water
  • Energy-efficient – reducing your carbon footprint
  • Air to water heat pumps automatically qualify you for the Renewable Heat Incentive Grant, meaning you could receive a cash payment every year quarterly
  • Can closely match the running costs of other home heating systems
  • Can be used for heating and cooling
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Easy installation
  • Long lifespan

Air Source Heat Pump Disadvantages

  • Lower output temperature than conventional boilers. You may be required  to update your insulation and invest in bigger radiators too
  • Need outdoor space, and can be noisy
  • Expensive to install and works best with a water tank
  • Don’t work as efficiently in extremely cold weather
  • Electricity is required to run an air source heat pump but this can be offset by linking to solar panels for greater efficiency and reduced running costs

Air source heat pumps are simple and easy to install. If you are considering an air source heat pump installation, contact Finbra today. Our qualified installers are highly experienced in all aspects of air source heat pump installation, biomass boiler installation, and ground source heat pumps.

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